
19 January 2013

Download Call Of Duty 2 | ExtremeProGamer

Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Call of Duty 2

Call of duty 2 is a first-person gunner having stories single-player modes and multiplayer mode. Players take on the role of several allied protagonists in a mission certain during world war 2. Player can crouch and lie prone, and capable of low to scale walls and obstacles. Other two firearms can be done who can exchange with people left in the battlefield, and second fragmentation smoke grenades and may also be done. Weapons iron sights can be used for the purpose of more accurate. Compass on a electronics ( hud ) exhibiting both allied and foe and purpose marker indicating the location to player must reach, to defend; area or enemy cannon or tanks that player must plant explosives on to disable.

Emplaced weapons such as machine guns and flak cannons are available in some locations to take the strength of the enemy. In addition, some missions put the player in control of a tank.

The player has a set of binoculars. While it was generally ignored during infantry-limited gameplay, it is very important to the long term use of weapons 88 millimeters, Crusader tanks and one mission where the player must direct artillery fire to defend the city. It is also important for Scouts, even though most of the game takes place in a combat situation, reducing the importance of these tactics close.

The player must take for severe damage, the screen will turn red and the sound of the character's heartbeat will increase in volume: This shows the player's health is low. The player must find a way to stay out of the fire to recover before entering battle again or else will die and restart from the last checkpoint. Only health is restored through automatic charging when the player does not take fire. Some attacks, such as the explosion of grenades or shells, will kill the player instantly if the player is too close.

In April 2006, Infinity Ward released call of duty 2 radiant, which allows players to create their ownfolder in single-player or multiplayer. Along with Radiant, the mapmaker includes Maya plug-in support, asset managers and securities editor that allows custom model will be created and imported into the game, as well as custom effects.

Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Call of Duty 2 has several game types: Deathmatch, team Deathmatch, Search & amp; amp; Destroy, capture the flag and headquarters. Map including Normandy, Africa, and Russia. Each team can select a variety of weapons, depending on the map. Players can choose between American soldiers, Soviet soldiers and the army of the United Kingdom for the Allied forces, while the Axis forces must play as the soldiers of Germany.
Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Each PC multiplayer server can accommodate up to sixty-four players, while the limit is eight players on the Xbox 360. In the Xbox 360 version, the player can play on Xbox Live and get the new map Pack. There are a total of thirteen official maps, and three this is a remake of the original Call of Duty. There are also three additional map packs named Bonus Pack, Battle Pack, and invasion Pack, adding a total of eight maps.
Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Free Download Games Call of Duty 2 Full Version Update
Call of Duty 2 contains four individual campaigns, split into three stories, with a total of twenty-seven missions. Each story concerns a World War II soldier overcoming the odds in the war. The game also has four difficulty levels: Easy, Regular, Hardened, and veterans.
The player controls a private guard rifle Koslov Vasili 13 divisions, initially involved in the defence of Moscow from Germany's army. The next level involves the destruction of Fortress Germany in Stalingrad during September 1942. Next goal involves fighting for the whole fortress Stalingrad throughout December, including how to remove the plug cut the phone cord and re-capturing of the train and the train station. The final mission takes place during the Soviet Union's last attack on Stalingrad in January 1943, which involves the re-capture and defense of the block and Stalingrad city hall.

Download Call of Duty 2

System Requirement
Hard drive Space=3.50 GB
Graphic Card=128 MB

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Free Download Call of Duty 2

Download Medal Of Honof WARFIGHTER | ExtremeProGamer

Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update
Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor : Story began in late 2001 all the days of the opening invasion afghanistan. Level 1 operator squad from us naval warfare development special group, sign neptune, call consisting of operators code name mother, voodoo, clergyman and rabbits sent to meet an informer afghan called tariq, having intelligence on the taliban. Neptune was attacked by troops chechnya, and fights their way through village to restore tariqs. Shortly after extraction, tariqs tell them that the taliban and al-qaeda having power significant consisting of 500-1.000 fighters shah-i-kot in the valley.

Neptune was tasked to secure the Bagram with a contingent of soldiers NA. By March 2002, the airfield was re-purposed a day operation Depanby by the foundation of NATO. U.S. Army Colonel r. Drucker, codename Jimmy, ordered a local asset, displayed winning a day officer careful, competent, unlike the officers, General Flagg Arti, and started working in an Office in the United States and did not know about the role of the AFO teams in operation. 
While Drucker plans to use Tier 1 operators to spy on the rebels ' positions in the Valley and Northern Alliance soldiers to exterminate them, mistrusting Flagg from the locals and gives the Colonel a 24-hour deadline to deploy to the Mountain Division, the 101st Airborne Division, and the U.s. Army Rangers.

Meanwhile, the Tier 1 teams entered into the area to conduct reconnaissance and fire support coordinating. Wolfpack AFO, consists of four Delta Force operators, code-named Panther, Vegas, Deuce and Dusty eliminate enemy positions in two small villages and travel to their observation point 'Clementine' while Neptune did the same thing for 'Dorothy' CO-OP. After completing their mission ahead of schedule, Northern Alliance troops sent Drucker to eliminate some positions of the rebels.

Flagg dialing in anger, and unknowingly orders AC-130U crew to open fire against friendly forces. The Northern Alliance was still alive and attractive force of panic, leaving Colonel had no choice but to deploy guards as ordered. During insertion into the Valley of Sha-i-kot, Rangers came under heavy fire and shot down the Chinook. The Rangers pinned down by heavy machine guns, so led by Sergeant Patterson fireteam Bravo consists of specialists Dante Adams, cpl. Hernandez and U.s. Air Force Tactical Air Control party (TACP) Tech Sgt. Ybarra enemy positions and destroyed the wing machine guns.

Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update
Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update
They are moving to secure a landing zone for the other, but was ambushed by rebels, which come in huge quantities. Surrounded and running out of ammunition, Ybarra Bagram radio for reinforcements, which comes in the form of a pair of AH-64 Apaches, facilitating extraction of the Rangers. Apaches move through the mountains destroying Armory Taliban and the enemy mortar position. When they return to base, the Taliban anti-aircraft guns attempted to destroy the helicopter; However, AAA gunner was killed by the Deuce.
Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update
Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update

Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update
Medal of Honor Free Download Games Full Version Update
Deuce Dusty move up the mountains and ambush enemy patrols and the team provide support mortars, sniper to Neptune, which in heavy contact in the adjacent mountain, Barbet Ghar. Neptune appealed over the ridge, and fight their way to the extraction point. The mother rabbit and make it to the helicopter, but Chinook lifted early because of heavy enemy fire, leaving the Voodoo and preacher in the back. Enter against orders to return to base, the mother and the rabbit back in the evening, barely escaped death when their Chinook came under fire. They avoid hostile patrols when looking for Voodoo and preacher.

However, the two finally compromised and operators were forced to jump off a cliff in an effort to escape, with a rabbit retains some wounds shot in the process. Both suffered injuries and was captured by the rebels. Back at Bagram, Col. Drucker attempts to organize troops to extract the Neptune. Wolfpack is too far away to provide assistance. General Flagg denied the additional risk of losses, and just set the AC-130U gunship, which can only live in the station for 15 minutes more. Drucker was opposed to command and send in a quick reaction force Ranger to extract the Neptune.

Download Games Medal of Honor

System Requirements
 Microsoft ® Windows ® XP/Vista/7
    Processor: Pentium ® 4 1.6 GHz or equivalent Athlon ® XP
    RAM: 1 GB
    Video:gforce series fx or better.
Free hard drive space: 2 GB
    DirectX ® 9.0c
Keyboard, Mouse
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Danger Close
Genre: First-Person Shooter

Release Name: Medal_of_Honor_Warfighter-FLT
Size: 15.2 GB

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Free Download Games Medal of Honor

24 December 2012

Easy Uninstaller, Cara Mudah Hapus Aplikasi di Android

Kalau di Windows biasanya kita masuk ke Control Panel, Add Remove Program, pilih aplikasi yang akan dibuang (Uninstall) kemudian pilih Remove. Sama halnya dengan Windows, Android juga menyediakan menu khusus yang bisa digunakan untuk menguninstall aplikasi Android.
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Pada menu home, pilih Andorid Market, MyApps dan pilih salah satu aplikasi yang ingin dibuang. Setelah itu, pilih tombol Uninstall untuk menghapus aplikasi tersebut. Jika diperlukan, tambahkan pesan kenapa anda menghapus aplikasi itu dari Android.
Fitur Uninstall dari Operating System Android
Selain menggunakan fitur bawaan dari Android, pengguna Android juga bisa menggunakan apliakasi tambahan khusus untuk unisntall aplikasi. Namanya adalag easy Uninstaller yang bisa didapatkan secara gratis di Android Market.
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Penggunaanya juga sangat mudah, jalankan aplikasi Easy Uninstaller, pilih aplikasi yang ingin dibuang dan terakhir plih tombol Uninstall Selected Apps dan selesai. Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa dengan mudah menghapus aplikasi tidak berguna dari ponsel Android.

Cara Menjalankan game HD di Android Seperti Pes 2012

Seperti yang Anda ketahui bahwa Game HD Android hanya mampu di jalankan dari perangkat dengan spesifikasi hardware tinggi. Seperti di bedakan atas ” kasta ” nya masing-masing, khusus Smartphone Android berbasis Low end game yang di sediakan pun khusus dengan kisaran ukuran 20 MB tak kurang dan lebih. Pada perangkat yang memiliki prosesor 1 Ghz ke atas di sediakan game hd yang memiliki ukuran file kisaran 100 MB bahkan lebih (pada contoh kasus yang penulis temukan di beberapa tablet Android, game hd Android dapat mencapai besar 500 MB untuk datanya saja!).
Secara teori memang tak mungkin Anda menempatkan game tersebut ke dalam ponsel anda, walau pun bisa di lakukan dengan teknik rooting untuk ukuran yang besar akan memperlambat kinerja ponsel. Untuk hanya sekadar mengetahui cara instalasinya bisa Anda lakukan dengan teknik berikut.
Disini penulis menggunakan smartphone Samsung Galaxy Young dengan Android 2.3 Gingerbread yang di tanamkan ke dalamnya. Sebelumnya pastikan Anda memiliki ijin sebagai super user (root) ke dalam Android Anda.
  1. Unduh dan instal Aplikasi Chainfire 3D Pro ke SD Card Anda di https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.chainfire.cf3d.pro. Kemudian download pluginnya di http://blog.fastncheap.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Plug-ins.rar, ekstrak dan letakkan satu folder di dalam SD Card Anda.
  2. Setelah itu, jalankan aplikasi Chainfire 3D, klik menu Install Plugin/ Shaders.
  3. Tunggulah beberapa saat karena Chainfire 3D otomatis akan mencari letak plugin yang berada di SD Card.
  4. Setelah proses Scan selesai, maka di sana akan di terdapat 3 list plugin. pilih plugin satu-per satu untuk meng-installnya dalam chainfire 3D.
  5. Jika plugin berhasil di install maka akan keluar pesan seperti gambar di bawah ini.
  6. Kembali ke beranda Chainfire 3D kemudian pilih menu Default Open GL Settings.
  7. Kemudian pilih UsePlugin
  8. pilih salah satu plugin yang ingin di gunakan, dalam contoh artikel ini penulis menggunakan plugin NVIDIA.
  9. Sebenarnya sekarang Anda sudah bisa menjalankan beberapa game HD langsung, tetapi agar lebih fix Anda bisa menjalankannya langsung dari Chainfire, kembali ke beranda Chainfire dan pilih per-App OpenGL Settings.
  10. Tunggu beberapa saat karena Chainfire sedang memeriksa semua aplikasi yang Anda gunakan.
  11. Jika sudah tampil semua aplikasi, pilih Game HD yang hendak Anda jalankan, di sini penulis akan menjalankan Game HD PES 2012 yang memiliki besar 200 MB.
  12. Akan kembali ke menu per-app opengl, pilih Launch.
  13. PES 2012 dengan kualitas HD sudah bisa Anda jalankan di Smartphone Anda.
Memang tidak semua Game HD bisa di jalankan di ponsel bertipe ini walau dengan teknik Root ini sekali pun, tapi PES 2012 yang penulis coba ini adalah salah satu game hd yang biasanya hanya berjalan di tablet android ber-prosesor 1 ghz ke atas. Ada kalanya game terasa lambat, Anda bisa mengaturnya di Per-App OpenGL Settings dan memberikan tanda centang di Reduce texture quality.
Selamat mencoba dan pastikan selalu berkunjung ke Blog ini yang mengungkap berbagai macam teknik posting pilihan. :)

Cara mempercepat Mozilla Firefox

Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox
Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Mozilla Firefox, atau biasa disebut Firefox saja, merupakan salah satu browser yang populer dan banyak digunakan oleh pengguna internet. Bagi Anda pengguna Firefox, mungkin Anda pernah merasakan ketika browsing tiba-tiba Firefox terasa lambat, terutama ketika Anda membuka banyak halaman (multiple tabs).
Jika itu yang Anda alami, Anda tak perlu berkecil hati. Hanya dengan beberapa sentuhan dan pengaturan yang tepat, Anda bisa membuat browser Firefox Anda menjadi lebih cepat dalam waktu singkat. Tips & trik berikut ini tidak membutuhkan software tambahan dan sudah saya coba sendiri. Hasilnya 100% aman, dan tentu saja kinerja Firefox saya menjadi lebih cepat sehingga saya semakin enggan untuk beralih ke browser lain.
Berikut ini langkah-langkahnya:
  • Jalankan Firefox Anda, lalu ketikkan about:config di address bar.
Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox
  • Biasanya akan muncul peringatan ketika Anda melakukan hal ini. Hiraukan saja dengan mengklik I’ll be careful, I promise!
Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox
  • Cari item network.http.pipelining. Untuk mempercepat Anda bisa memanfaatkan fitur Filter untuk keperluan ini. Selanjutnya dobel-klik item tersebut sehingga value-nya berubah menjadi true.
Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox
  • Cari item network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Dobel-klik item tersebut untuk memunculkan window Enter Integer Value. Ubah value-nya menjadi 8, lalu klik OK.
Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox
  • Cari item network.http.proxy.pipelining. Dobel-klik agar value-nya menjadi true.
  • Buatlah item baru dengan cara klik-kanan -> New -> Integer. Selanjutnya akan muncul window yang meminta anda untuk mengisi preference name, isilah dengan content.notify.interval, lalu klik OK. Akan muncul window lagi yang meminta Anda memasukkan angka. Ketikkan value 500000 (lima ratus ribu), lalu klik OK.
Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox
  • Buatlah item baru dengan cara klik-kanan -> New -> Boolean. Selanjutnya isi dengan content.notify.ontimer, lalu masukkan value-nya true.
  • Buatlah item baru dengan cara klik-kanan -> New -> Integer. Selanjutnya isi dengan content.switch.threshold, lalu masukkan value-nya 250000 (dua ratus lima puluh ribu).
  • Buatlah item baru dengan cara klik-kanan -> New -> Boolean. Selanjutnya isi dengan content.interrupt.parsing, lalu masukkan nilainya false.
  • Buatlah item baru dengan cara klik-kanan -> New -> Integer. Selanjutnya isi dengan nglayout.initialpaint.delay, lalu masukkan nilainya 0 (nol).
  • Buatlah item baru dengan cara klik-kanan -> New -> Integer. Selanjutnya isi dengan browser.cache.memory.capacity, lalu masukkan nilainya 65536.
Nah, langkah terakhir sekarang adalah me-restart Firefox Anda. Caranya cukup dengan mematikan Firefox dan kemudian menghidupkannya lagi. Setelah itu, rasakan sendiri bagaimana browser kesayangan Anda sekarang menjadi lebih cepat. Happy browsing :)