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Minimun System Requeirements :
Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
Processor Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. Pixel shader 3.0 with 128 MB of RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon x1300)
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Request dari sobat ALL GAME STORIE'S,di hari sabtu yang sangat indah ini saya mau share game PES 2012 nih buat java, what? kapan PES 2012 versi java di rilis oleh Konami? stop jangan bingung ini bukan versi aslinya namun versi hack dari seri sebelumnya yang ditambah dengan Timnas dan Liga Indonesia dan beberapa pemain dunia yang telah mengalami bursa transfer tahun ini. Dari pada nunggu PES resmi yang entah kapan dirilis lebih baik main game yang ini dulu lagi pula dari pada mainin team luar negri lebih baik mainin team negri sendiri untung-untung indonesia jadi juara dunia :D
Salah satu game jadul tapi masih mantap untuk dimainkan saat ini, lumayan untuk mengisi waktu luang kamu. Download Full version untuk PC kamu sesuaikan dengan System requirements agar dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
System requirements :
OS : XP/Vista/Windows 7
1.4 GHz CPU
256 MB RAM
3 GB hard disk space,
DirectX 9.0c compatible 32 MB video card with one of these chipsets Radeon 7500; Radeon Xpress 200; GeForce 2 MX; Intel 915; S3 GammaChrome S18 Pro
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Gearsof War 3, like its predecessor, is athird-person shooter that emphasizesuse ofcoverandsquadtacticsto survivea combat situation. The player charactercancarryfourweapons: apistol, a set ofgrenades, andtwoother weapons, all ofwhichcanbe exchangedwithotherweaponsdroppedbyenemiesorfallingand thestockThroughout thegame, alongwithammunition. Displayinga weapon thatmostsecondaryfiremode, the signature of thisgamerifle, Lancer, includingthechainsawbayonetthat canbe usedandclose proximityto slicethrough theenemy.
Whena playerre-arms ammunition, theyhave the opportunityto"active reload", which is indicatedby thesmallmovingthe cursor overthe linemarkedwiththehead-up display onthe player(HUD). Ifa playerhits acontrolbuttonwhenthe cursor is onthemarked, theywillreturnquicklyrefillproducedaslightlymorepowerful thana normalbullet, causing moredamage toyour opponent. Ifthey hit theoutside ofthissection, thistemporarycongestionof weapons, leaving the playervulnerableand longer toreload. Or, players canchoosetonotattempttore-active, reloadweapons, and normalspeed, butwithout theaddeddamage. Sometimes,the player cancarryheavier butmore powerfulweapons, likemortaror aGatlinggun, whichslowedtheir pacewhen you'redone.
When in battle, players can take some damage from enemy fire, blood fill color "purple sign" on the HUD as healthy players, unlike traditional health bar on the other shooters. By staying out of the fire, will dissipate, but by taking too much damage, the player has passed or killed, and should be brought to their feet by the allies in a short time "bleed-out "time, or other players who will die, but to play the game on insane difficultly level where the player will die immediately after taking too much damage without bleeding. Players may also have died during the bloody-out by using signature moves game performance by the enemy. Some types of damage, such as explosives or fire chief, can kill a player instantly without the bleeding. Also, players can also cause the enemy to fall into the bleeding-out in the same way. Players and their allies and enemies can use almost any structure as a cover, blind firing from behind or are likely to make aimed shot while generally disclose their heads. Players can quickly switch between the covers adjacent walls or jump less rushed in the front cover. Gears of War 3, some protection may be destroyed after getting some amount of damage that can be used for tactical advantage to attract the enemy from cover.
New to Gears of War 3 is the ability to define the enemy opposing partner, computer-controller will focus fire on an enemy strong, while the allies are alerting people to their location on their HUD.Players now can also change the weapons and ammunition (and money while Horde mode) with other partners in the course of battle.
Players maintain a continuous level of experience in all game modes. Players gain experience by killing, perform a special kind of murder and death sentence, restore and help my teammates, and the public through a campaign or competitive mode. There are medals and ribbons that are available, which helps to get XP. Income level of the skin and open character of the use of special weapons inmultiplayer game mode.
When trying to get a medal, you need to get bronze, silver, gold, onyx and then. There is a medal for killing enemies in certain weapons, play multiplayer games or stimulate so many teammates and more. Ribbon is also available, especially in Arcade Mode, Multiplayer, Horde and animals. Normally receive 75XP for each ribbon earned.
OnAugust 29, 2011, Microsoft andoldGamesannouncedGearsof War3SeasonPassentitles theparticipants in thefourfirst installment ofdownloadablecontent(at a discount) to launch next year,the firstwas issued inNovember 2011. Previouscharacterin the series,includingTaiandRaam, the character offuturedownloadablecontent. It has also beenconfirmed that theDLCwill be availableafter the launch ofStory, andthat thecastapplianceWarDLCnofuture.
Contentthat can be downloadedthe first is"Horde OrderPack", which was issued on1 November, 2011. In addition to thenewcharacterandweaponskin, it offers threenew mapsfor use in thefightandhordemodeandthreenewfortsthatplayers candevelop.
Contentthat can be downloadedtotheso-called "Map Packvs.follower". Itwas released onNovember 24, 2011andis available for free. PackcontainsfivemultiplayermapswithBloodDrive,Azura,andRustlung, whichwas originally created byPackOrderof the Horde, andDJMarshandClocktower,what is newto GearsWar3.
Contentthat can be downloadedthirdis the "Shadow Raam". The expansionwas released onDecember 13, 2011. Included inthisDLCarefournewmultiplayercharacters, a set of newweaponcalled the "Chocolate", newachievements, andmore than3hourssingleplayergame. This story takes placebeforethe firstGearsof war,seton the dayafter theemergence ofSera. Zetasquadto evacuate theCityIlimaregisterandprotectcitizensagainsttheLocustKryllstorm.Playerswill be in therole ofHead ofRaam, the mainantagonistfromthe firstGearsWar. Zetaisheaded byMichaelBarrick(from "Gears of War"comicsfame) andconsists ofreturningcharacterslikeLt.MinhYoungKim,fromthe firstGearsofWarandGearsofTaiKalisoWar 2, andalsoincludinganew femalecharacter,AliciaValera.
Contentthat can be downloadedright tothe fourth: "Fenix Rising", anditwas released onJanuary 17, 2012. DLC, including fivenewmultiplayermapsandintroducefournewcharacterskinsanda new system thatallows players tolevel100classthroughseveral times.
Fifthdownloadablecontent, entitled, "The Nature"has beenannouncedwill be released onMarch 27, 2012. Packmapwill be basedaround theweatherand natural disastersandconsist of threenewmulti-map(after, Artillery, andCove), andreworkedversionJactinoandRavenDown.On anewmap,DLCalso includesfournewcharactermodels, fiveskinsof weaponsready to useimmediately,andtwounlockableweaponskin.
1. Unrar. 2. Burn or mount with Daemon tools. 3. Installthe game. Use the keygen located in the Crack dir on the DVD. 4. Copy the cracked executable located in the \Crack directory on the DVD to your installationdirectory. 5. Play the game.
1. Extract ISO and mount on Daemon’s Tool 2. Run install and put in one of the serial numbers included in the NFO 3. Finish install and click quit instead of play! 4. Go to my computer and on the Drive that the ISO is mounted on and search for « crack » 5. Copy files from inside the folder into the Gears of War Folder in your C:\ 6. Then double click the exe file or shortcut on your desktop and Enjoy!
Recommended system requirements: - CPU: Intel 2.4 GHz+ / AMD 2.0 GHz+ - RAM: 1GB Windows Vista or Windows XP - Hard drive: 12 GB of free hard drive space - Video card: NVIDIA Geforce 6600+ / ATI x700+
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