
11 September 2024

Fa bi ayyi ala irabbikuma tukaddzibann

Orang gila mana yg nggk bersyukur diberi nikmat bisa lanjut studi di jenjang berikutnya? 
Orang gila mana yg nggk mengoptimalkan studi lanjut padahal dengan biaya sendiri? 
Orang gila mana yang selalu insecure merendahkan diri dihadapan teman2nya padahal punya resources yang berlimpah? 
Orang gila mana yang nggak bersabar diberi ujian padahal orang lain diberi ujian yang lebih berat? 

Dan pertanyaan tentang orang gila lainnya... 
Ya Allah, astaghfirullah 3x.. 

Yakk diantara nikmat lain yang Allah berikan, mana lagi yang kau dustakan? nikmat sehat, menghirup oksigen yang mahal sepersekian detiknya? Nikmat mata untuk melihat secara jelas, nikmat pendengaran, dan panca indra lain? Kurang apa lagi? Subhanallah wal hamdulillah wala ilaa ha illallah wallahuakbar. Maha suci Allah dan tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah kecuali Allah dan dia Maha besar.. 

Sesungguhnya ketika kita merenungi secara mendalam tentang hakikat kehidupan ini. Kita akan mendapati titik 0 bahwa kita adalah makhluk yang terbatas. Cara berpikir kita terhadap dunia ini, baik masa lalu, sekarang, dan masa depan, hanya sebatas yang kita tahu saja. Beyond all of that, there is a magnificent knowledge of Allah. Hingga di surgaNya kelak hambamu ini ya rabb sebagai mahkluk yang dhoif, berharap melihat terbukanya mihrab dan melihat langsung engkau, ya Rabb. aamiin 

06 September 2024

Menjadi seseorang

Dalam hidup ini, banyak hal acak yang tak bisa diprediksi. Kadang, kita bisa mengidolakan seseorang hingga meniru rekam jejaknya secara sengaja, pun kadang kita membenci seseorang hingga enggan meniru rekam jejaknya dan secara tidak sadar suatu saat kita mengikuti jejaknya tanpa sengaja. Ya, hidup memang random dan unpredictable. Oleh karena itu, sebagai manusia kita tidak boleh sombong dan merasa superior di bandingkan yang lain. Sifat tawaddu' lah yang akan mengantarkan seseorang menjadi pribadi yang mendapat ketenangan maksimal dalam hidupnya

Metaphycisc based on Newton's Law about feedbacking the cost of study

In this blog you always talk about the balancing life. But what actually is? Is that just a matter of emotion within yourself that you can't control? Life isn't as simply as Newton's Law or Metaphysics theory. But, in this theory you can learn a lot about a matter of perspective.

Again, I'll give you an example. The cost that you take as a master's degree student for example, without scholarship, the cost is expensive. 21 Million of IDR and each semester times to 3 you'll cost 8.5 Million of IDR. So, approximately, 46.5 Million of IDR. But how to feedback all of this. Is that with effort? Only that can be enough? The answer is relative. With Metaphysic based on Newton's theory it can be calculated and balanced with effort only if the effort you give is worth it. With knowledge will come a masterpiece. Knowledge will conquer everything even a mountain of money plus if it combines with good attitude. That is 2 keywords of feedbacking the cost of money you spent throghout the years. So wanna try? Let's see 1,5 years ahead, InsyaAllah 

01 September 2024

Do you believe a world of happy endings?

World, a word that describe the whole life structure of humanity. The world consists of complex aspects. Social, economy, politics, ideology, law, defence, security, and so on. Can you as a human mastering all of those aspects? So that being a man that can conquer the world easily. But what is the purpose of those things?

I have a perspecive about that. The purpose of mastering knowledge and conquering the world is one. To reach the top position in afterlife (read: jannatul firdaus/highest level of heaven in Islam). A man/ person that didn't believe in hereafter will left nothing behind afterlife. They think that life is the only one people survived. But, me as a moslem believe a concept of balance in life. When you do a good deeds in life, hereafter will rewards good on you. Either, if you do bad things, hereafter will rewards bad on on you. So, nothing will be useless.

And, how is that a concept of a world of happy endings? And should we have to believe this? The answer is within ourself. If you believe in god, and prophet Muhammad SAW as the last massanger of Allah, you will find a whole concept of universe. From the beginning, till the end. In the scripture of Al Qur'an and Hadith there is a whole concept of it. Learn to read the translation of first surah solely insyaAllah you will find hidayah (read: a mercy of Allah) that can guide you to the world of happy endings.

Written by: Arva Athallah Susanto

Sept, 01, 2024