
30 August 2014

How to fix E: Can't mound sdcard easily ! Simple and Absolutely WORK

Hi all, today i will share to you about How to fix E: Can't mount sdcard easily ! WORK for all device 100%, yeah.. some people get this problem when they try to flash zip from sd card with cwm, and then they found a problem like E: Can't mound sdcard, to fix this, most of them try to fix this problem with formatting sd card from android, and also try to format it with PC (like formatting Flashdisk manually), BUT !! This trick still not work, Okay, I found how to fix the problem and my trick was very easily, JUST FORMAT WITH SD FORMATTER to fix this problem :V

OK, i will tell you about how to fix this problem
Now, follow my step :)

1) Download the app from : Click Here and Install
2) Then, enter your android to your pc/laptop with usb cable
3) And SD formatter will automatically appear when your sd card was entered to your pc
4) And then click format !!

Just this who can i tell, i hope this can useful for you guys

Arva Athallah :)

14 August 2014

Download ESET Smart Security 7 Full Version with Permanen Activator

Hi sobat EPG, lama banget yaakk gak ngepost nih gue.. ya biasa Admin lagi sibuk skolah, kan masih kelas 9 T_T, oke ngomong2 soal lama gak ngepost, kali ini admin bakalan share Antivirus yang ane kenal SMART yang lagi beken saat ini, ESET SMART ANTIVIRUS, tidak heran lagi mengapa antivirus ini sudah lama dinanti2 (hehe kaya iklan suzuki aja sudah lama dinanti2 wkwkk) hmm,, bagi anda yang mencari antivirus untuk menghilangkan virus yang menyerang system, flashdisk (kayak autorun, recycler) menurut saya antivirus inilah yang paling tepat !! Oke langsung saja berikut SSnya bukti kalau sudah permanen =)

Gimana? oke kan? Langsung aja ga ush banyak omong, nih ane kasi langsung linknya :
Download : disini
Activator : http://rghost.net/55579602

Cara install :
-Install Eset NOD sampai selesai, jika diminta activate pilih activate later saja
-Setelah selesai disable dulu Eset nod yang sudah terinstall untuk sementara
-kemudian install Ulisess_Seguridad_10.0.9_Rev1.exe sampai selesai
-Setelah selesai, buka local c/ program files/ ESET /Ulisess Seguridad
-Buka lagi folder ESET Product Activator 6.5 dan jalankan ESET PRODUCT ACTIVATOR 6.5.exe
-Klik Activate maka secara otomatis PC akan restart dan masuk ke safemode
-Setelah terbuka lewat safemode,buka lagi local c/ program files/ ESET /Ulisess Seguridad
-Buka lagi folder ESET Product Activator 6.5 dan jalankan lagi ESET PRODUCT ACTIVATOR 6.5.exe
-Klik lagi Activate maka akan secara otomatis restart lagi dan kembali ke windows yang normal
-Selesai. sekarang sudah full version

Sekian gan. klo ada yg ingin ditanyain bsa ditanyain lewat komentar, insyaallah akan ane jawab kalo ada kesempatan,,

Wassalam, smoga bermanfaat :)